Dreams by the Espresso Machine

Dreams by the Espresso Machine

Dreams by the Espresso Machine by Megan Heng The coffee machine rumbles and spurts out another espresso shot into a small cup designed to hold just enough caffeinated liquid to jolt a start to the day. A slender woman in her mid-twenties scoops it up along with three...
Orvieto: The Chef and the Cowboy

Orvieto: The Chef and the Cowboy

Andrew Smith Aug 27 The Chef and the Cowboy by Melody Ridge While sitting outside at L’ Oste del Re, a local Italian restaurant in the historic center of Orvieto, the smell of cured meats and fresh Italian cooking circled the air. On this cool and cloud shaded day,...
In the well of writing

In the well of writing

Precedente Prossimo In the well of writing by Laura Ricci, in “Saint Patrick’s Well in Orvieto” Mirabilia  Publisher English translation by Erika Pauli Photo by Patrick Nicholas Se preferisci leggi il saggio in lingua italiana A deep well into which to lower...
The Beautiful Region of Tuscany in Italy.

The Beautiful Region of Tuscany in Italy.

The Beautiful Region of Tuscany in Italy April 3, 2018 211020 Tuscany is a region in central Italy with unbelievable beauty. Filled with classic landscapes, with medieval hill-towns, vineyards and olive groves, this wonderful region is a true piece of art and it is...