The Four Seasons – Spoleto in the Summer

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01 July 2017-14 January 2018 
Tourist information and welcome office
Piazza della Libertà 7 – 06049 Spoleto

Music, dance, cinema, theatre, collective readings, but also routes among greenery, tastings and sport activities: it’s “Four Seasons – Spoleto in the summer”, the new receptacle of performances and cultural events of the Town of Two Worlds Festival.

Music is the protagonist with several appointments:  Francesco Gabbani, the Eine Kleine Domplatz Musik for the 71st  Experimental Opera Season of the TLS (Experimental Opera Theatre), the musical meetings curated by the Spoleto Study Abroad at the Basilica of Sant’Eufemia, the concert in Casa Menotti curated by the Umbria Music Fest, Suonar(t)e that is the concerts at the Museum (Collicola Palace and Roman House) curated by the Spoleto Music Cultural Association. The Rendez-Vouz Association presents, in different parts of the territory, the mini-festival La Danza in Situ – In Movimento con la terra, a series of choral proposals in support of the territories hit by the earthquake.

Theatre and dramaturgy play an important role: from Giancarlo Sepe and his “American Alphabet Primer, a première in Spoleto, to the show “487”, performed by Thomas Otto Zinzi at the Orlando Pit of Morgnano, through workshops and performances in July and August at the Oberdan Building Site of the Mama Umbria International under the title “Re-generations”.

Spoleto in the Summer offers a very rich programme also encompassing the 2017 edition of the Spoleto Family Film Festival (August 4,5,6), the several appointments with the Spoletino August Bank Holiday (from the 9th to the 19th  August), sport and the race with the Spoleto Vertical and Urban Race (26-27 August), the various events linked to the Spoleto Norcia in mountain bike (28 August – 3 September), Estate della Terra  namely the naturalistic excursions curated by the Laboratory of Earth Science (27 July, 27 August and 3 September), Spoleto Through Time (until the 23rd July), dinner under the Stars in Corso Garibaldi curated by the Association of the Village on the 3rd August.

And still a lot of cinema at the Pegasus Hall and at the Park of the World (Chico Mendes), the several exhibitions at the Collicola Palace, the Town Hall, the Roman House, Bufalini Palace, Albornoz Fortress, St. John and Paul, the Archaeological Museum and the creative laboratories for families curated by the 2017 Art summer Museum System at the Albornoz Fortress and the Collicola Summer Lab.

It’ a rich schedule encompassing all cultural genres: a common thread that, throughout all the year, creates an organic and coherent set of appointments, meetings and performances.

It’s a way to create a dynamic and stimulating atmosphere involving  – during “the four seasons” – each corner and place of the city.

For the complete schedule, click here.

For further information:

The Four Seasons – Spoleto in the Summer